129 violators of quarantine measures referred to Attorney-General
The competent UAE authorities have referred 129 people to the Attorney-General for failing to abide by the quarantine and isolation measures implemented by various bodies to curb the spread of COVID-19 and ensure public safety by prohibiting any behaviour that may endanger others.
"Pursuant to the Cabinet Resolution No. 17 of 2020, those who fail to comply with home quarantine measures will be referred to the Emergency and Crisis Prosecution at the Federal Public Prosecution if the violation is committed for the third time. They will be tried and jailed for a minimum of three years or fined a minimum of AED100,000 as per the law," said the Chief of the Emergency and Crisis Prosecution while commenting on the Attorney-General's updated Resolution No. 38 of 2020 on the enforcement of fines and penalties against violators of home quarantine measures.
"First-time offenders will only be fined AED50,000 once a report is filed and the offender is informed of his or her violation. The fine shall be doubled to AED100,000 for second-time offenders," he added.
"Should the violator fail to pay the fine, competent departments will be notified to register the offense in the e-criminal system, at the Ministry of Interior, or at local police departments to collect the fine from him or her in a legal manner," he noted, explaining that a mechanism has been developed in agreement with health authorities to ensure that the Emergency and Crisis Prosecution shall be notified in case the violator has tested positive for COVID-19 in order to turn the offense into a criminal case tantamount to the crimes covered by the penal code and the law on combatting communicable diseases.
He said that work is underway to record violations against the offenders, who will pledge not to repeat the offense.
As per the Cabinet Resolution No. 17 of 2020, the Emergency and Crisis Prosecution may impose fines on first-time offenders and double the fine should the offender repeat the offense for the second time.
News Source : http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302835880