RTA’s Call Centre achieves 97% customer satisfaction amid Covid-19 challenges
Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has successfully implemented a comprehensive plan to upgrade its Call Centre (8009090) to cope with the Coronavirus pandemic. It provided extra devices and upgraded the systems in a way that enabled the centre to make a perfect operation, which resulted in achieving an overall customer satisfaction rating as much as 97%.
Mehailah Al Zahmi, Director of Customers Happiness at RTA’s Corporate Administrative Support Services Sector said,
“The call centre proved an important tool of communicating with RTA’s customers at a time the Coronavirus has taken its toll on the usual working style. It dictated on us an immediate challenge to adopt alternative methods to maintain the continuity of our services and meet the public needs.
In cooperation with the Information Technology Department and strategic partners, we charted out a plan to up the readiness of remote working and communication systems. We also raised the capability of RTA’s information network to engage about 250 employees operating through VPN networks. Additionally, we issued 250 laptops to Call Centre employees to work remotely, which enabled the Centre to operate at a rate of 87%. Furthermore, we have reconfigured the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to respond to customer inquiries 24/7 hours during the national sterilization period. Accordingly, the rate of IVR-calls hiked by 111% and in the process boosted customer’s satisfaction rating to 97%.
The plan yielded several important deliverables. Foremost, the performance of key performance indicators of the call centre was not affected. The Centre handled about 220 thousand calls during the national sterilization period at an average waiting time of 13 seconds. There was a 97% drop in the absence of remote working employees. It also eliminated the "Invalidity of Premises" criterion, which mitigated the risk of spreading Covid-19. Results achieved justified the merit of the call centre, which had been ranked among the Top 3 Call Centres in Dubai government under the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Program for Smart Government 2018-2019,” confirmed Alzehmi.
The technological infrastructure of RTA proved capable of tackling all challenges and emergency conditions, especially the fallout of the Coronavirus. Moreover, we have turned this challenge into a real opportunity to improve our approach to the current conditions.”