MoHAP exempts volunteers of the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine trial from other COVID-19 testing

The Ministry of Health and Prevention, MoHAP, in coordination with the Department of Health - Abu Dhabi, has exempted volunteers of the Phase III COVID-19 vaccine trials from performing any other COVID-19 tests outside the trial’s framework.

The Ministry also decided to use the ALHOSN app to identify volunteers so they can benefit from the exemption, and they are required to install the application on their smartphones.

The volunteers of the trial’s third phase, which began last month in Abu Dhabi, will be given two doses of the vaccine and monitored remotely via phone calls to monitor their health situation and assess the effectiveness of the vaccine over a 49-day period.

The decision was made to ensure that volunteers follow the required procedures during all phases of the trial.

ALHOSN UAE is the official Emirati application for COVID-19 testing and is the outcome of a cooperation between the ministry and local health authorities.

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