Energy Saving Tips with Everyone at Home

The reopening of a number of sectors and businesses across the country doesn’t necessarily mean all working family members have gone back to the office. A lot of restrictions are still in place, and an even larger number of the workforce are still working from home. With the entire family under the same roof constantly utilizing available resources and energy, the electricity and water bills are bound to see a spike. To make sure that energy is not used in excess and instead, steps are taken to conserve all resources, here are a few initiatives family members can put in play to save on bills.


A constant in-use resource by every individual in the house is electricity. Whether it be for work, entertainment, or just having the lights on in the house, power is constantly running and being used. Here are a few ways in which family members can contribute to saving electricity.

If you are living in a house with large windows, then using this commodity as a natural source of light during the day time will help save on the electricity bill.

  • If you are living in a house with large windows, then using this commodity as a natural source of light during the day time will help save on the electricity bill.
  • Switch to energy-saving tube lights, bulbs, and smart strips that work the same as any other source of light, except for the fact that they will use less energy to run.
  • Using the timer option on your ac will help maintain the room temperature and save on electricity. It may seem like switching on the air conditioner when necessary is ideal. However, contrary to popular belief, leaving your A/C on a timer will help save on more energy as it will keep the house cool consistently at a moderate temperature and only switch on when needed.
  • Including physical family entertainment like board games, puzzles, DIY projects, etc. is an effective way of spending time with family and saving energy. Doing group activities with the family avoids the need to have individual gadgets running and then being charged.
  • Unplug electronics not being used. A common mistake made in every household is leaving electrical gadgets plugged and running even when not in use. Switch off equipment, not in use and unplug to avoid wasting energy.


A globally acknowledged resource that needs conservation more than any other natural resource is water. Though not used continuously like electricity in a household, it is nevertheless an essential resource of our day to day routine. Learning and adopting means that help us conserve this precious resource not just during quarantine and work-from-home period but also otherwise should become part of our life. Here are a few ways in which we can establish some useful tips to conserve water at home.

  • With the majority of our time spent indoors, and on a few occasions, we do step out of the house has lead to a smaller laundry pile up. Therefore, delaying your laundry until there is a good accumulation of clothes that need to be laundered will eliminate the usual need to do laundry every day while saving water in the process.
  • A quick 10 to 15-minute shower is always better than long baths, avoiding the unnecessary water wastage and being less time-consuming.
  • Staying indoors for an extended period makes us notice and be aware of all the faults in our surrounding. Example, small renovations around the house, the need to retouch the paint, etc. fixing any leaky faucets should become the first priority when taking up home renovation during the quarantine.
  • In stark contrast to the small laundry basket is the big pile-up of dishes in the sink. With the whole family staying at home, the sink is bound to accumulate dishes throughout the day. Therefore, using a dishwasher to clean the dishes in one go rather than washing them manually throughout the day will save on water wastage.

Other small tips to save water around the house include installing a low flush toilet and reusing water used to wash vegetables to water the plants.

#Stayhome & #Conserve!